Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another Side of RAAM

I think some of the crew members on Team Dex were anticipating a life changing moment in RAAM.  They had expectations that somewhere in the deep folds of RAAM, possibly somewhere between sleep deprivation, hallucinations and paranoia, there would be some kind of lightning strike or something and their eyes would be opened to such things as the solution to World Peace or the discovery of the Fountain of Youth.  While they may have been disappointed in those respects, perhaps there was a more subtle, yet just as meaningful side of RAAM.
While crewing in Besse, Michael, follow vehicle driver and MacGyver extraordinare, came up with the concept that maybe Team Dex RAAM wasn't all about Dex.  Quite possibly this pursuit of personal challenge could conceivably also be about the crew. 
Michael may have had some insight.  Before RAAM, Michael and Conice had not previously met.  While crewing RAAM, Conice and Michael were teamed up on Crew 2 along with Anika.   Anika was the ever devoted domestique.  Michael was the stalwart driver. Conice was the reliable navigator.  Conice and Michael quickly developed a rapport of friendship and camaraderie.  The seemingly endless hours in the follow vehicle following my slow butt around at 10 mph gave them time to get to know each other in a way that few acquaintances ever do.  And then while in Besse, they were constantly in a problem solving situation.  If it wasn't the brakes on Besse, it was the generator.  Conice and Michael worked together constantly.  Their crew acquaintance grew into a friendship.  Their friendship grew into a bond.
After RAAM, they continued their bond.  They have remained in touch with each other.  They are both fathers of young boys.  This weekend Michael and Conice made arrangements to take their boys to see the movie Cars.
So maybe there is another side to RAAM besides riding a bicycle 3000 miles across America.  While RAAM may not have solved World Peace or discovered the Fountain of Youth maybe RAAM did develop a friendship and a bond.  Two new friends are now joining to be two great fathers.

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